A virtual
field represents a value which is computed at read time, rather than stored in the database. See the virtual fields guide for details on how to use virtual fields.
(required): The GraphQL field that defines the type, resolver and arguments.ui.query
): Defines what the Admin UI should fetch from this field, it's interpolated into a query like this:
This is only needed when you your field returns a GraphQL type other than a scalar(String and etc.) or an enum or you need to provide arguments to the field.query {item(where: { id: "..." }) {field${ui.query}}}
import { config, createSchema, graphql, list } from '@keystone-6/core';import { virtual } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';export default config({lists: {SomeListName: list({fields: {someFieldName: virtual({field: graphql.field({type: graphql.String,args: { something: graphql.arg({ type: graphql.Int }) },resolve(item, args, context, info) {}})}),/* ... */},}),/* ... */},/* ... */});